Class Orders Learn programming C#


OOP Object Oriented Programming


Class Orders


Using Visual Studio, create a project and the corresponding classes (using several files) for this classes diagram.

Each class must include the attributes and methods shown in the diagram. Consider that all cardinalities are 1:1.


using System;
namespace Orders
    class Customer
        public Customer() 
            name = "";
            address = "";
        protected string name;
        protected string address;
        protected Order[] o;

using System;
namespace Orders
    class Item : OrderDetail
        public Item() 
            shippingWeight = "";
            description = "";

        protected string shippingWeight;
        protected string description;

        public double getPriceForQuantity() 
            return 0;

        public double getWeight()
            return 0;

        public string GetShippingWeight()
            return shippingWeight;

        public string GetDescription()
            return description;
        public void SetShippingWeight(string shippingWeight)
            this.shippingWeight = shippingWeight;

        public void SetDescription(string description)
            this.description = description;

using System;
namespace Orders
    class Order
        public Order() 
            status = "";
        protected DateTime date;
        protected string status;

        protected OrderDetail[] o;

        public double calcTax()
            return 0;

        public double calcTotal()
            return 0;
        public double calcTotalWeight()
            return 0;

        public DateTime GetDate()
            return date;

        public string GetStatus()
            return status;
        public void SetDate(DateTime date)
   = date;

        public void SetStatus(string status)
            this.status = status;

using System;
namespace Orders
    class OrderDetail
        public OrderDetail() 
            quantity = 0.0;
            taxStatus = "";
        protected Item[] i;
        protected double quantity;
        protected string taxStatus;

        public double calcSubTotal()
            return 0;

        public double calcWeight()
            return 0;


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