Function GetMinMax Learn programming Java




Function GetMinMax


Create a function named "GetMinMax", which will ask the user for a minimum value (a number) and a maximum value (another number). It should be called in a similar way to

GetMinMax( n1, n2);

which would behave like this:
Enter the minimum value: 5
Enter the maximum value: 3.5
Incorrect. Should be 5 or more.
Enter the maximum value: 7

That is: it should ask for the minimum value and then for the maximum. If the maximum is less than the minimum, it must be reentered. It must return both values.


import java.util.*;
public class Main
	public static void GetMinMax(float number1, float number2)
		System.out.print("Enter the minimum value: ");
		number1 = Float.parseFloat(new Scanner(;

		System.out.print("Enter the maximum value: ");
		number2 = Float.parseFloat(new Scanner(;

		while (number2 < number1)
			System.out.printf("Incorrect. Should be %1$s or more." + "\r\n", number1);
			System.out.print("Enter the maximum value: ");
			number2 = Float.parseFloat(new Scanner(;
	static void main(String[] args)
		float number1 = 000000000.00f, number2 = 000000000.00f;
		GetMinMax(number1, number2);

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