Statistics V2 Learn programming Visual Basic (


Arrays, Structures and Strings


Statistics V2


reate a statistical program which will allow the user to:

- Add new data
- See all data entered
- Find an item, to see whether it has been entered or not
- View a summary of statistics: amount of data, sum, average, maximum, minimum
- Exit the program

These options must appear as a menu. Each option will be chosen by a number or a letter.

Create a statistical program which will allow the user to:

- Add new data
- See all data entered
- Find an item, to see whether it has been entered or not
- View a summary of statistics: amount of data, sum, average, maximum, minimum
- Exit the program

These options must appear as a menu. Each option will be chosen by a number or a letter.

The program must reserve space for a maximum of 1000 data, but keep count of how many data actually exist.


Imports System
Public Class exercise78
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim numbers As Single() = New Single(999) {}
        Dim count As Integer = 0
        Dim max As Single = 0.0F, min As Single = 0.0F, total As Single = 0.0F, searchNumber As Single = 0.0F
        Dim found As Boolean
        Dim [option] As Integer = 0

            Console.WriteLine("1. Add")
            Console.WriteLine("2. Show")
            Console.WriteLine("3. Search")
            Console.WriteLine("4. Statistics")
            Console.WriteLine("5. Exit")
            [option] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())

            If [option] <> 5 Then

                Select Case [option]
                    Case 1
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter a number: ")
                        numbers(count) = Convert.ToSingle(Console.ReadLine())
                        max = numbers(count)
                        min = numbers(count)
                        total += numbers(count)
                        count += 1
                        If max < numbers(count) Then max = numbers(count)
                        If min > numbers(count) Then min = numbers(count)
                    Case 2

                        For i As Integer = 0 To count - 1
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} ", numbers(i))

                    Case 3
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter a number for search: ")
                        searchNumber = Convert.ToSingle(Console.ReadLine())

                        For i As Integer = 0 To count - 1
                            If numbers(i) = searchNumber Then found = True

                        If found Then
                            Console.WriteLine("Number {0} found a amount of {1} ", numbers(i))
                            Console.WriteLine("Not found")
                            found = False
                        End If

                    Case 4
                        Console.WriteLine("Total data: {0}", count + 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("Sum: {0}", total)
                        Console.WriteLine("Average: {0}", total / (count + 1))
                        Console.WriteLine("Min number: {0}", min)
                        Console.WriteLine("Max number: {0}", max)
                    Case Else
                        Console.WriteLine("Error, option 1-5")
                End Select
            End If
        Loop While [option] <> 5
    End Sub
End Class

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