Cities database Learn programming Visual Basic (


Arrays, Structures and Strings


Cities database


Create a database to store information about cities.

In a first approach, we will store only the name of each city and the number of inhabitants, and allocate space for up to 500 cities.

The menu should include the following options:
1 .- Add a new city (at the end of the existing data)
2 .- View all cities (name and inhabitants)
3 .- Modify a record (rename and / or change number of inhabitants)
4 .- Insert a new record (in a specified position, moving the following ones to the right)
5 .- Delete a record (moving the following ones to the left so that no empty spaces are left)
6 .- Search in the records (display the ones which contain a certain text in their name, whether in upper or lower case, using partial search)
7 .- Correct the capitalization of the names (turn into uppercase the first letter and the ones after a space, and make the rest lowercase).
0 .- Exit


Imports System
Public Class exercise86
    Structure city
        Public name As String
        Public inhabitants As UInteger
    End Structure

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim maxCities As Integer = 500
        Dim cities As city() = New city(maxCities - 1) {}
        Dim amount As Integer = 0
        Dim currentCityNumber As Integer
        Dim [option] As String
        Dim textToSearch As String
        Dim found As Boolean
        Dim textToModify As String
        Dim finished As Boolean = False

            Console.WriteLine("Cities database")
            Console.WriteLine("1.- Add a new city")
            Console.WriteLine("2.- View all cities")
            Console.WriteLine("3.- Modify a record")
            Console.WriteLine("4.- Insert a new record")
            Console.WriteLine("5.- Delete a record")
            Console.WriteLine("6.- Search in the records")
            Console.WriteLine("7.- Correct the capitalization of the names")
            Console.WriteLine("0.- Exit")
            Console.Write("Choose an option: ")
            [option] = Console.ReadLine()

            Select Case [option]
                Case "0"
                    finished = True
                Case "1"

                    If amount > maxCities - 1 Then
                        Console.WriteLine("the database is full")
                        Console.WriteLine("Entering data for city number {0}", amount + 1)
                        Console.Write("Enter the city name: ")
                        cities(amount).name = Console.ReadLine()
                        Console.Write("Enter the inhabitants numbers: ")
                        cities(amount).inhabitants = Convert.ToUInt32(Console.ReadLine())
                        Console.WriteLine("The data was entered correctly")
                        amount += 1
                    End If

                Case "2"

                    For i As Integer = 0 To amount - 1
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}, {2} inhabitants", i + 1, cities(i).name, cities(i).inhabitants)

                Case "3"
                    Console.Write("Enter the city number: ")
                    currentCityNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter a new data for a city number: {0}", currentCityNumber)
                    Console.Write("City name (was {0}; hit ENTER to leave as is): ", cities(currentCityNumber - 1).name)
                    textToModify = Console.ReadLine()
                    If textToModify <> "" Then cities(currentCityNumber - 1).name = textToModify
                    Console.Write("Inhabitants (was {0}; hit ENTER to leave as is): ", cities(currentCityNumber - 1).inhabitants)
                    textToModify = Console.ReadLine()
                    If textToModify <> "" Then cities(currentCityNumber - 1).inhabitants = Convert.ToUInt32(textToModify)
                Case "4"

                    If amount > maxCities - 1 Then
                        Console.WriteLine("The database is full")
                        Console.Write("Enter the number of the city to modify: ")
                        currentCityNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())
                        Console.WriteLine("Insert a new data at {0} position: ", currentCityNumber)
                        amount += 1

                        For i As Integer = CInt(amount) To currentCityNumber - 1 + 1
                            cities(i) = cities(i - 1)

                        Console.Write("City name: ")
                        cities(currentCityNumber - 1).name = Console.ReadLine()
                        Console.Write("Inhabitants: ")
                        cities(currentCityNumber - 1).inhabitants = Convert.ToUInt32(Console.ReadLine())
                    End If

                Case "5"
                    Console.Write("Enter the city number for delete: ")
                    currentCityNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())
                    Console.WriteLine("Deleting the number {0}", currentCityNumber)

                    For i As Integer = currentCityNumber - 1 To amount - 1
                        cities(i) = cities(i + 1)

                    amount -= 1
                Case "6"
                    Console.Write("Enter the text to search: ")
                    textToSearch = Console.ReadLine()
                    found = False

                    For i As Integer = 0 To amount - 1

                        If cities(i).name.ToUpper().IndexOf(textToSearch.ToUpper()) >= 0 Then
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} found in {1}", textToSearch, cities(i).name)
                            found = True
                        End If

                    If Not found Then Console.WriteLine("Not found.")
                Case "7"

                    For i As Integer = 0 To amount - 1
                        Dim lowerCaseName As String = cities(i).name.ToLower()
                        Dim correctedName As String = lowerCaseName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() & lowerCaseName.Substring(1)

                        For j As Integer = 1 To correctedName.Length - 2 - 1
                            If correctedName(j) = " "c Then correctedName = correctedName.Substring(0, j) & " " & correctedName.Substring(j + 1, 1).ToUpper() & correctedName.Substring(j + 2)

                        cities(i).name = correctedName

                Case Else
                    Console.WriteLine("Wrong option ")
            End Select
        Loop While Not finished
    End Sub
End Class

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