Pascal to C# translator Learn programming C#


File Management


Pascal to C# translator


Create a basic Pascal to C# translator. It will accept program such as:

example program;

i: integer;
max: integer;

writeLn("How many times?");
for i := 1 to max do

The steps you must follow are:
Read from beginning to end a text file, whose name will be entered by the user in command line or in an interactive way: up to 2 points.

Dump the contents to another text file, whose name will be the same, but with ".cs" extension instead of ".pas": up to 4 points.

Replace "WriteLn" with "Console.WriteLine", " = "with "==", " := " with "=", simple quotes with double quotes, "begin" with "{" and "end;", "end.", "end" (in that order) with "}", : up to 6 points.

Replace "program x;" with "class x {" followed with "Main", Replace "readln(x)" with "x=Convert.ToInt32(Console.RadLine())" ("x" must be any other identifier): up to 8 points.

Eliminate "var" and replace "x: integer" with "int x" (but "x" must be any other identifier): up to 9 points. Give a proper format to "for": up to 10 points.

Create a compilable C# source from the previous Pascal source and similar ones: up to 11 points.


using System;
using System.IO;
namespace PascalToCSharp
    class Program
        static void Main()
            Console.Write("Enter name file: ");
            string fileName = Console.ReadLine();

            if (File.Exists(fileName))
                StreamReader filePascal = File.OpenText(fileName);
                StreamWriter fileCSharp = File.CreateText(fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - 3) + "cs");
                string line;
                    line = filePascal.ReadLine();
                    if (line != null)
                        line = line.Replace("writeLn", "Console.WriteLine");
                        line = line.Replace(" = ", "==");
                        line = line.Replace(" :=", "=");
                        line = line.Replace("'", "\"");
                        line = line.Replace("begin", "{");
                        line = line.Replace("end;", "}");
                        line = line.Replace("end.", "}");
                        line = line.Replace("end", "}");

                        if ((line.Contains("program ")) &&
                             (line.Substring(line.Length - 1) == ";"))
                            line = line.Replace("program ", "class ");
                            line = line.Replace(";", "\n{\n static void Main()\n{");

                        if (line.Contains("readLn("))
                            line = line.Replace("readLn(", "");
                            line = line.Replace(");", "");
                            line += " = Convert.ToInt32(Console.RadLine());";

                        line = line.Replace("var", "");
                        if (line.Contains(": integer;"))
                            line = line.Replace(": integer;", "");
                            line = "int " + line.Trim() + ";";

                        /* if ((line.Contains("for ")) &&
                            (line.Contains(" to ")) && 
                            (line.Contains(" do ")))
                             line = line.Replace("for ", "for (");
                             line = line.Replace(" to", "");
                             line = "int " + line.Trim() + ";";

                while (line != null);

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