House Learn programming Java


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Create a class "House", with an attribute "area", a constructor that sets its value and a method "ShowData" to display "I am a house, my area is 200 m2" (instead of 200, it will show the real surface). Include getters an setters for the area, too.

The "House" will contain a door. Each door will have an attribute "color" (a string), and a method "ShowData" wich will display "I am a door, my color is brown" (or whatever color it really is). Include a getter and a setter. Also, create a "GetDoor" in the house.

A "SmallApartment" is a subclass of House, with a preset area of 50 m2.

Also create a class Person, with a name (string). Each person will have a house. The method "ShowData" for a person will display his/her name, show the data of his/her house and the data of the door of that house.

Write a Main to create a SmallApartment, a person to live in it, and to show the data of the person.


package Houses;
import java.util.*;

public class House
	protected int area;
	protected Door door;

	public House(int area)
		this.area = area;
		door = new Door();

	public final int getArea()
		return area;
	public final void setArea(int value)
		area = value;
	public final Door getDoor()
		return door;
	public final void setDoor(Door value)
		door = value;

	public void ShowData()
		System.out.printf("I am a house, my area is %1$s m2." + "\r\n", area);

public class Door
	protected String color;

	public Door()
		color = "Brown";
	public Door(String color)
		this.color = color;

	public final String getColor()
		return color;
	public final void setColor(String value)
		color = value;

	public final void ShowData()
		System.out.printf("I am a door, my color is %1$s." + "\r\n", color);


public class SmallApartment extends House
	public SmallApartment()

	public void ShowData()
		System.out.println("I am an apartment, my area is " + area + " m2");

public class Person
	protected String name;
	protected House house;

	public Person()
		name = "Juan";
		house = new House(150);
	public Person(String name, House house)
	{ = name; = house;

	public final String getName()
		return name;
	public final void setName(String value)
		name = value;
	public final House getHouse()
		return house;
	public final void setHouse(House value)
		house = value;

	public final void ShowData()
		System.out.printf("My name is %1$s." + "\r\n", name);

public class Main
	public static void main(String[] args)
		boolean debug = true;

		SmallApartment mySmallApartament = new SmallApartment();
		Person myPerson = new Person();


		if (debug)
			new Scanner(;

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