Array of struct and menu Learn programming Visual Basic (


Arrays, Structures and Strings


Array of struct and menu


Expand the previous exercise (array of points), so that it displays a menu, in which the user can choose to:

- Add data for one point
- Display all the entered points
- Calculate (and display) the average values for x and y
- Exit the program


Imports System
Public Class exercise81
    Structure points
        Public x As Byte
        Public y As Byte
    End Structure

    Private Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
        Dim p As points() = New points(999) {}
        Dim Finish As Boolean = False
        Dim countArray As Integer = 0
        Dim TotalX As Integer = 0
        Dim TotalY As Integer = 0

            Console.WriteLine("1.Add data for one point")
            Console.WriteLine("2.Display all the entered points")
            Console.WriteLine("3.Calculate (and display) the average values for x and y")
            Console.WriteLine("0.Exit the program")
            Console.Write("Enter a number: ")
            Dim respuesta As Byte = Convert.ToByte(Console.ReadLine())

            Select Case respuesta
                Case 1
                    Console.Write("Enter a number for point x: ")
                    p(countArray).x = Convert.ToByte(Console.ReadLine())
                    TotalX += p(countArray).x
                    Console.Write("Enter a number for point y: ")
                    p(countArray).y = Convert.ToByte(Console.ReadLine())
                    TotalY += p(countArray).y
                    countArray += 1
                Case 2

                    If countArray > 0 Then

                        For i As Integer = 0 To countArray - 1
                            Console.WriteLine("Valor x{0}: {1}", i + 1, p(i).x)
                            Console.WriteLine("Valor y{0}: {1}", i + 1, p(i).y)
                        Console.WriteLine("No hay datos")
                    End If

                Case 3

                    If countArray > 0 Then
                        Console.WriteLine("Average x: {0}", TotalX / countArray)
                        Console.WriteLine("Average y: {0}", TotalY / countArray)
                        Console.WriteLine("No hay datos")
                    End If

                Case 0
                    Finish = True
                Case Else
            End Select
        Loop While Not Finish
    End Sub
End Class

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