Function GetMinMax
Create a function named "GetMinMax", which will ask the user for a minimum value (a number) and a maximum value (another number). It should be called in a similar way to
GetMinMax( n1, n2);
which would behave like this:
Enter the minimum value: 5
Enter the maximum value: 3.5
Incorrect. Should be 5 or more.
Enter the maximum value: 7
That is: it should ask for the minimum value and then for the maximum. If the maximum is less than the minimum, it must be reentered. It must return both values.
Imports System
Public Class exercise132
Public Shared Sub GetMinMax(ByRef number1 As Single, ByRef number2 As Single)
Console.Write("Enter the minimum value: ")
number1 = Convert.ToSingle(Console.ReadLine())
Console.Write("Enter the maximum value: ")
number2 = Convert.ToSingle(Console.ReadLine())
While number2 < number1
Console.WriteLine("Incorrect. Should be {0} or more.", number1)
Console.Write("Enter the maximum value: ")
number2 = Convert.ToSingle(Console.ReadLine())
End While
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim number1 As Single = 000000000.00F, number2 As Single = 000000000.00F
GetMinMax(number1, number2)
End Sub
End Class